Directed by John Lloyd and Jim Yukich, the music video for "Land of Confusion" features puppets made by the British production team of Spitting Image, a satirical television series that was popular in the UK during the 1980s. The video shows the band members as puppets, as they navigate a dark and dystopian world filled with strange creatures and political chaos.
The highlight of the video is a scene featuring then-US President Ronald Reagan and then-UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as grotesque-looking puppets. The scene satirizes the politics of the time and suggests that the world was run by self-interested and corrupt politicians. The video was groundbreaking in using puppets to express these political themes, making it one of the most memorable and iconic music videos of its time.
The video was also memorable for its use of cutting-edge technology, with puppetry, live-action footage, and animatronics all being employed to create a vivid and unforgettable visual experience. The dark and dystopian world portrayed in the video was a stark contrast to the bright and colorful music videos that dominated the pop culture of the 80s, making it stand out even more.
The video ends with the puppets returning to their headquarters, dejected and hopeless, suggesting that the problems of the world couldn't be solved. However, even with its bleak message, "Land of Confusion" resonated with viewers, who appreciated the video's powerful commentary on politics and society.
Overall, the music video for "Land of Confusion" is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of the 80s music scene. It perfectly captures the era's fascination with technology and political commentary, making it an unforgettable part of music video history.
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